Mariasteinerhof: a hotel with sauna in Tyrol

Space to regenerate during your holiday in Austria
Recharge your batteries and relax: the Mariasteinerhof is a wonderful four-star hotel with sauna in Tyrol in the middle of the magical Hohe Salve holiday region.
After a long hike near the hotel Mariasteinerhof it's time to unwind and recharge your batteries. In the four-star hotel's new wellness area Tyrolean flair is fused with modern interior design into an inspiring integrated concept.
The wellness area includes a bio sauna and Finnish earth sauna. A lower room temperature and higher humidity prevail in the bio sauna than in the Finnish sauna. Essential oils spread a pleasant fragrance instead of infusions. The bio sauna is gentler on the heart and circulation and therefore more agreeable than the Finnish sauna. Lean back after the sauna and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere in the chill-out room. Enjoy the stunning view from the window in your hotel with sauna in Tyrol too.
Back to its roots: Finnish earth sauna
The earth sauna is the original kind of Finnish sauna. It is the first kind of sauna that instructions for use were documented in writing. A floor tub that has been sunk into the earth is heated up by a fire. Pleasant warmth prevails that when combined with essential oils becomes an invigorating experience. Visit the steam bath in the Mariasteinerhof's wellness area too: you will feel like you've been reborn afterwards. Feeling fresh and invigorated you can look forward over dinner to a new day on holiday in beautiful Mariastein and at your hotel with sauna in Tyrol.
Fancy relaxing? Come to the Mariasteinerhof, your hotel with sauna and steam bath in the wonderful natural paradise of Mariastein. Send your no-obligation enquiry: your hosts at the Mariasteinerhof will put together an attractive offer for you. Find out about the great package deals at the only four-star hotel in Mariastein.